Bahasa Inggris: Hortatory Exposition
Generic Structure Of Hortatory Exposition English Language
Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other words, a hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done.
Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other words, a hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done.
Generic Structure of Hortatory
1. Thesis/ General Statement.
2. Arguments
3. Recommendation
Language Feature of Hortatory
1. Focusing on the writer
2. Using abstract noun: policy, advantage, etc
3. Using action verbs
4. Using thinking verbs
5. Using modals
6. Using adverb: certainly, surely, etc
7. Using temporal connectives/transition: firstly, secondly, etc
8. Using evaluative words: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
9. Using passive voice
10. Using simple present tense
Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many, and some have taken more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage efectively. Why not?
It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can
give. We can work from home with minimal investment and get a good income. The
idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is
the most reassuring.
The reason behind this great
opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and
every minute men are seeking information aboute verything under the sky of the
As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web
sites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that
have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommeded are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommeded are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there.
Pekerjaan online yang dipilih dalam paruh waktu kerja bagi banyak orang, dan beberapa telah mengambil lebih serius. Semakin banyak orang yang bersedia untuk mengambil pekerjaan online. Bekerja secara online memiliki keuntungan jika kita berhasil digunakan efektif. Mengapa tidak?
Ini menawarkan fleksibilitas dan kenyamanan yang tidak ada pekerjaan lain yang dapat memberikan. Kita dapat bekerja dari rumah dengan investasi minimal dan mendapatkan penghasilan yang baik. Ide menambahkan berat ke saku kita dan membuat hidup lebih mudah dan nyaman adalah yang paling meyakinkan.
Alasan di
balik ini adalah kesempatan besar bahwa setiap
hari ada perusahaan baru untuk bergabung. Setiap hari dan
setiap menit orang mencari informasi verything aboute bawah
langit dari Internet.
Seperti kita ketahui, internet adalah jawaban untuk setiap pertanyaan, situs web harus memperbarui setiap bagian dan juga menambahkan laporan tentang perkembangan yang baru saja bergabung. Oleh karena itu, ruang luas untuk artikel.
Ada sejumlah pekerjaan kita bisa bekerja secara online. Beberapa dari mereka yang sangat recommeded menulis, pendidikan pemasaran, perdagangan saham, dan online. Namun kami harus sangat berhati-hati karena peluang menipu selalu ada.
Seperti kita ketahui, internet adalah jawaban untuk setiap pertanyaan, situs web harus memperbarui setiap bagian dan juga menambahkan laporan tentang perkembangan yang baru saja bergabung. Oleh karena itu, ruang luas untuk artikel.
Ada sejumlah pekerjaan kita bisa bekerja secara online. Beberapa dari mereka yang sangat recommeded menulis, pendidikan pemasaran, perdagangan saham, dan online. Namun kami harus sangat berhati-hati karena peluang menipu selalu ada.
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
Argument 1
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
Apakah Anda tahu apa arti dari korupsi? Apa hubungan
antara uang dan korupsi? Nah, korupsi adalah umum di mana-mana di dunia, bahkan
di Amerika Serikat. Ini hanya soal intensitas. Namun, hal ini cukup mengejutkan
ketika salah satu survei terpercaya mengklaim Jakarta sebagai tempat yang
paling korup di Indonesia.
argumen 1
Survei ini membuat saya sedih, sebenarnya, karena
saya tinggal dan mencari nafkah di sini di ibukota. Seperti kebanyakan orang
tahu, Tanjung Priok pelabuhan penyelundupan bukanlah hal yang baru sama sekali.
Pengusaha yang ingin meminimalkan pembayaran pajak mereka cenderung melakukan
hal seperti itu lebih sering. Mereka bahkan menyuap pejabat.
argumen 2
Well, saya pikir langkah-langkah yang diambil sejauh
ini untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dengan menghukum para koruptor masih cukup
tidak jauh. Kita harus mencegah generasi muda dari mendapatkan mentalitas buruk
yang disebabkan oleh korupsi.
Saya percaya kita harus mulai dari tahap awal di
sekolah dan saya pikir semua orang harus terlibat dalam upaya pemberantasan
korupsi. Kita tidak harus membuat perbedaan apapun.
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